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The Power of Genetics 


DNA, daily decisions, and the journey 

to taking control of your health. 

Crucial truths are locked in your genes. 

When unlocked, they can completely change the way you think about your body. 

You are Entirely Unique

Did you know that your DNA interacts with your diet, lifestyle, and environment constantly throughout the day? Every micro-action you take speaks directly to the genes in your cells, telling them what to do and not do, changing their fate in real time.

If your DNA is the code, your lifestyle is the coder. So how can you influence your genetics for a longer and healthier life? It all starts with reading and understanding your genetic blueprint. From there, you become empowered to discover and select the most targeted actions and helpful habits to move you forward on your personalized path to better health. 

How to Proceed

Inspire Health offers genetic testing by "3X4 Genetics".

This is a simple saliva test. The report is usually ready within 2-4 weeks. 

Your 3X4 Blueprint helps you discover the most potentially impactful genes and pathways in your results and what research suggests may be the most effective diet and lifestyle changes you can make.

Why Should I Test

Understanding your genes provides clarity as to why your body responds the way it does to certain foods and environments, and how to help your body's systems work optimally. It gives you focus in the areas of your health and wellness that need improvement, as well as insight into potential underlying root causes of your symptoms. It can help to narrow down which supplements might have the biggest impact on your body's functionality and health, which can save you having to go through trial and error. 

The 3X4 Blueprints provides you with a personalized summary based on your unique genetic profile that identifies three areas where you can potentially make the biggest impact on your life and health. For each of these "pathways" you will be provided with:

  • 3x diet recommendations

  • 3x lifestyle or behavior interventions

  • 3x possible supplements and suggestions

To Add to Your Treatment Plan

Our healthcare practitioner will discuss the report with you in detail and use its recommendations in combination with your current diet, lifestyle, medical conditions, your medical and family history, and environmental exposures to build a complete picture of where you are now and a plan how to move forward, resulting in practical and personalized recommendations that guide you on your journey to making health a daily choice. 

Let's Work Together

Contact Us to schedule a consultation


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