The medical literature now demonstrates there is no harm from replacing our natural hormones back to optimal levels. The real harm is in losing the hormones that provide so many beneficial effects. The body is also distressed by chemically altered (synthetic) hormones used to replace its own natural hormones.
Bioidentical hormone optimization therapy has been proven by many reputable scientific studies to be effective and health protective for men and women.
Thyroid Hormone

It is a well-known fact that over 200 symptoms are related to thyroid insufficiency. Weak, cold, tired, fatigued; thin hair, skin, nails; weight gain, increased body fat; loss of energy and motivation; loss of cognition and memory; poor sense of well-being and depression; menstrual irregularities; constipation.
Many studies demonstrate that only high physiologic levels of thyroid hormones result in resolution of symptoms, restore normal menstruation and fertility in PCOS. It protects against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cognitive impairment, fatigue, weight gain, increased cholesterol and memory loss. Thyroid regulates temperature, metabolism, cerebral function, energy, and burns fat. It increases metabolism and lipolysis, which leads to weight loss and lower cholesterol levels and blood sugar.
The literature supports use of supraphysiologic, high doses of thyroid hormones to treat thyroid cancer and fibromyalgia.
Recent studies have shown that Natural Thyroid most effectively raises the active thyroid hormone called T3. Natural Thyroid contains a combination of T4 and T3 and provide more optimal results than Synthroid and other synthetic T4 preparations.
Estrogen has experienced a bumpy ride over the last 4 decades. Conclusions of studies like the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) have left women scared and vulnerable after menopause. The WHI study only focused on the synthetic non-biologically identical hormones that can have negative effects on the female body. Bio-identical estrogen mimics exactly what the body makes. Estradiol is the primary ovarian estrogen that is lost at menopause, which leads to urogenital atrophy, incontinence, sagging skin and breasts, increased wrinkles, fatigue, depression, mood swings, vaginal dryness and decreased libido. Majority of studies have proven the protective effect of bio-identical estradiol against heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease and memory disorders, vaginal atrophy, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infection, macular degeneration, colon cancer, and cataracts. Natural estradiol replacement prevents menopausal hot flashes, temperature dysregulation, and mood disorders.


Extensive literature summaries have demonstrated that Natural Progesterone (P4) reduces symptoms of PMS, perimenopause, and menopause. P4 protects against breast cancer, uterine cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease (PEPI trial), whereas synthetic Medroxyprogesterone (MPA) increases these risks. P4 ≠ MPA.
P4 can be used to prevent first trimester miscarriage and post-partum depression. Oral form of micronized progesterone has greater stimulatory effect on GABA receptors causing sleep and relaxation.
Bioidentical Progesterone is of the utmost importance for menopausal, perimenopausal, premenopausal, and pregnant women. It moderates many side effects of excess estrogen, reduces fluid retention, bloating, headache, bleeding, and fibroids. Progesterone is synergistic to estrogen’s effect on bone and lipids; it is antagonistic to estrogen in breast and uterus. All premenopausal women need adequate progesterone to oppose stimulation of breast and uterine tissues by estrogen.
Menopausal level of progesterone is zero.
P4 has been shown to decrease headaches, cyclical migraines and bloating associated with menstruation when used in high doses. Natural progesterone protects against uterine and breast carcinoma, osteoporosis, fibrocystic disease, ovarian cysts, Coronary Artery Disease, and ovarian cancer. No woman should be deprived of P4.
Testosterone for Women
Evidence-based data has supported the beneficial effects of Bioidentiacal Testosterone in women which are the same as in men: improved well-being, energy, strength and endurance; improved body composition, bone density, sexual function and clitoral sensitivity; decrease in visceral fat; decrease in wrinkles, fat deposition and cellulite; maintenance of muscle mass which maintains metabolism. It increases collagen and skin thickness, improves skin texture.
Recent study has revealed the potential benefits of androgens including alleviation of menopausal symptoms, lethargy, endogenous depression, nocturia and incontinence, fibrocystic disease of the breast, vascular headaches (migraine), and poor libido. "Maintaining endogenenous serum testosterone levels high is important to maintain vascular and cardiovascular health".

Testosterone for Men

Testosterone is truly a life source to the male body. Some prestigious medical studies have demonstrated the higher the testosterone level (within the optimal range), the more protected men are against heart disease, diabetes, elevated cholesterol and the many other problems associated with middle age. Many men who suffer depression and moodiness have low-normal levels of testosterone. Multiple studies reinforce testosterone's reputation as being the feel-good hormone that pulls men out of the mid-life rut.
One must not equate synthetic anabolic steroids with bio-identical testosterone. The synthetic anabolic agents cause numerous problems not seen with natural testosterone replacement.
Study after study confirms testosterone's powerful influence over the masculine figure. Fat-to-muscle ratio increases when testosterone level decreases. Many studies have proven that proper testosterone optimization significantly increases bone density and decreases the incidence of heart disease. It has been shown that testosterone increases the production of nitric oxide (the natural form of nitroglycerine that causes vasodilation), lowers LDL and triglycerides, fibrinogens, Apo-lipoprotein B (all risk factors of heart disease) and keeps HDL ("good cholesterol") at optimal level.
For the past five years, the New York Academy of Science has presented papers on the powerful effect testosterone has in protecting against the deposition of beta-amyloid protein in the brain, preventing Alzheimer's from occurring. Multiple studies demonstrate, hormone replacement is the only method scientifically-proven to protect the brain from dementia, as it also maintains memory function.
Recent studies in the New England Journal of Medicine and other peer-reviewed medical journals demonstrate testosterone does not cause prostate cancer. Many men note improvement in urinary symptoms while on testosterone.
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone precursor that is able to convert into estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone. However, DHEA takes its own age-related plunge. Countless studies have rendered DHEA, as not only the most abundant hormone in the human body, but perhaps the most significant hormone for health protection. All major medical journals have published impressive articles on the importance of DHEA in preventing diabetes, heart diseases, osteoporosis, and cancer. This hormone enhances the immune system, restores sexual vitality, increases energy, improves mood and memory, decreases cholesterol, and body fat.
The way we age heavily depends on the health of our immune system. Study after study confirms that DHEA is a veritable treatment for the aging immune system. With proper supplementation of DHEA, our levels remain youthful, strengthening our immune system for years to come.
Researchers have found that high levels of DHEA are associated with increased longevity whereas low DHEA levels are predictive of early mortality. This hormone is very beneficial to health and well-being.


Researchers have been investigating this hormone since 1958 and have recently uncovered remarkable benefits. Melatonin isn't just a sleep enhancer anymore! Evidence published in some of the most prestigious medical journals demonstrates improved quality of living and healthier aging through supplementation of melatonin. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant and immune-system booster that help alleviate the damage from stressors in our environment. This hormone scavenges the highly toxic hydroxyl radicals that may help the mind as well as the body. Melatonin, in fact, may guard against a number of conditions tied to oxidative stress, like Alzheimer's disease, Cancer, Parkinson's Disease,Multiple Sclerosis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Melatonin's cancer-obstructing benefits, along with its therapeutic benefits, are being studied by cancer research centers. A plethora of studies have proven melatonin's multiple effects in treating cancer and lessening the side effects of chemotherapy.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D has been traditionally related to bone metabolism, although numerous studies in the last decade have suggested its role in muscle strength and falls, cardiovascular and neurological disease, insulin resistance and diabetes, malignancies, autoimmune diseases and infections. Vitamin D appears to be a hormone with several actions and is fundamental for many biological systems including bone, skeletal muscle, brain, and heart.
An 18-study meta-analysis published in the Archive of Internal Medicine described the impact of Vitamin D supplementation on lowering all causes mortality.